File Upload
About Us

About us

UDOBY is your tool for simplifying your working process, management or similar. It is a simple tool which helps you share files, projects, photos and more for FREE. You are able to share large files easily and store them in the cloud. Besides the mentioned, the files can be synced across multiple devices.

We strive to become the leading file-sharing site on the internet. Our goal was to create a simple tool which is going to represent the easy way to keep files in sync - and we did it.

You are our focus and we created this tool specially for your needs. It`s FREE and it is avaliable always. Consider this a home for all your work. We will take care of your data.

Get in touch

We are always avaliable in case you have any questions or ideas. Fill this contact form and let`s keep in touch:

719 Echo Lane, 49007 Michigan